Critical thinking concept: Students’ perception and learning experience in writing class

Ajeng Setyorini


Critical thinking has been defined in many different ways. It’s the term which reflect people’s nature on critically perceiving a subject matter. In university level, having critical thinking skill is prominent for students. However, the basic concept of critical thinking may not well grasp among students. This study investigates the student’s perception over the concept of critical thinking and knowing their learning activities whether it applies the concept of critical thinking specifically in writing class. The references on critical thinking concept reviewed as the framework in this study. This study involved first year students of English education study program of a private university. They were required to fill the online questionnaire. The findings of this study revealed that the students partially grasping the concept of critical thinking. There were indicated that students have some problem in comprehending the concept. Thus happen for the inexistence of learning environment promoting the students critical learning habit and skill in writing class. While they experience writing class with lecturers as instructors.


critical thinking; concept; perception; learning experience; writing class

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Proceedings of International Conference on English Language Teaching (INACELT) is published by Institut Agama Islam Negeri (IAIN) Palangka Raya Indonesia in collaboration with Journal on English as a Foreign Language.

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