Implementing genre based approach and scientific approach in teaching writing simple descriptive text to investigate their effect on the students’ writing achievement at SMP 3 Palangka Raya

Natalina Asi, Metha Yermia


The main purpose of the research was to compare two approaches, namely Genre-Based Approach, and Scientific Approach in the eighth grade class of SMP 3 Palangka Raya. The population of this research consisted of one class with the total number of 25 students. The design used in this research was the quasi-experimental design. The sample was determined using a cluster sampling technique. The technique for collecting the data used tests and documentation. The research was undergone by giving a set of essay instruction to write simple descriptive text. The mean score of these two groups of students then was compared to obtain the objective of the research. The finding showed the mean scores of the students who were taught using Genre-Based Approach was 73.24 and the students who were taught using Scientific Approach was 66.125 based on the result of hypothesis test calculation, it was found that the value was greater than the value of  at 5% and at 1% the level of significance or 2.01 < 3.438 > 2.68. It means that Ha was accepted and Ho was rejected. It means that students taught using Genre-Based Approach had better achievement in writing simple descriptive text than those taught with Scientific Approach.


Genre Based Approach; Scientific Approach; Writing Descriptive Text

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