The students’ perception towards oral corrective feedback in speaking class
Being interested in the process of teaching and learning a language, the researcher have attempted to describe the students’ perception toward oral corrective feedback in teaching learning process because it has important role in enhancing students’ linguistic accuracy. This study involved 64 students in public speaking class who has took basic speaking course. This research was conducted with these two key aims: (1) to find out the students’ perception toward oral corrective feedback given in teaching speaking activity, and (2) to find out how is oral corrective feedback given to the students. The result indicated that the students’ perception toward oral corrective feedback is positive. All of indicator show a good point that most students agree to receive oral corrective feedback from their lecturer. Additionally, it is obviously answered that used oral corrective feedback in speaking learning class is effective to improve the students’ speaking ability. These findings could contribute to better understanding of how the lecturer should give oral corrective feedback when the students’ make some errors in the classroom. As a conclusion, it will provide a better comprehension by relating and comparing the students’ perception and the lecturers’ perception of oral error corrective feedback for the further researchers.
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