I’dād Al-Mawād Al-Ta’līmīyah fī ‘Ilm Al-Bayān Litanmīyah Roghbah Al-Thullāb

Abdul Hafidz Zaid, Rumbiati Rumbiati


Institutes have been established in Indonesia for language classes in order to encourage the language to students in Arabic. The book is the most important teaching material, so educators recommend its preparation. To provide students with an interest in learning the language lesson. The objectives to be achieved in this research are to demonstrate the specifications for preparing instructional materials in manifest science in order to develop the interest of students in higher education at the ponorogo institute. With Method Research & development which aims, inter alia, to project output and experiment towards output. Lesson planning is a meaningful conceptual that reflects the teacher's in-class work, information and experience, activities and orthoses that uses every possible means to achieve this goal in less time and effort. The preparation of the material for teaching the presentation that the researcher wants to prepare is the study material containing sets of balaghoh examples, designed to develop the desire of students to learn and taste the balaghoh bayan in islamic institutes. In preparing this article, the researcher relied on the results of the interview with the director of the institute, some interest of students at the higher level of the islamic institutes in Ponorogo.


Material Teaching; Al-Balaghoh; Interest of Students

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.23971/nathla.v1i1.107


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