Efektivitas Pengajaran Maharah Al-Qira’ah bagi Mahasiswa di Masa Pandemi Covid-19 : Strategi dan Respons

Cahya Buana


This research has determined to examine the strategy of effective teaching in Maharat al-Qira’ah (reciting skills) for the Arabic Language and Literature program, Syarif Hidayatullah Islamic State University Jakarta, during COVID-19 pandemic and college student’s responses about the strategic. This study uses quantitative research with several data collected from the survey results by using questionnaire methods about 75 respondents. Based on the survey results can be summarized that some teaching strategy during COVID-19 pandemic, especially learning media that used to meeting face-to-face in the classroom, now changed into the online system. This changed to overcome an impact on partial learning strategies. Such the hard-copy book module changed to using e-book, the reading method transformed above the screen gadget. Nevertheless, the teaching method in general did not change as in face-to-face, by using a combined translation method, qawaid, silent reading, and reading aloud. Based on survey results related to learning media strategies, assumed 78% more effective in-class learning, 80% chose Google Meet as learning access, and 32% disconnected networks as the biggest obstacle in online lectures. Related to the teaching method’s strategy, 53% perceived it as difficult to read text on the screen, 99% liked the translation method, 85% of the combined teaching methods were very effective, and 99% of qawaid material necessarily needed. To conclude, the teaching strategy accomplished depends on the lecturer’s performance in teaching.


Maharat al-Qira'ah; strategy; method; response

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.23971/nathla.v1i1.115


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