Strategi Penguasaan Mubtada’ Khabar, Na’at Man’ut, dan Mudhaf Ilaih Menggunakan Rumus

Farid Permana


This study aims to explain the mastery strategy of mubtada 'khabar, na'at man'ut and mudhaf ilaih using formulas and the steps for their application in learning Arabic as well as to describe students' perceptions of the use of these formula strategies. This qualitative descriptive study made 20 female Madrasah Aliyah female students of Ummul Qura Amuntai as research subjects. Data were collected using observation, interview, and documentation techniques which were then analyzed to obtain conclusions. The results showed that mastery of mubtada 'khabar, na'at man'ut and mudhaf ilaih can be facilitated by five basic formulas, namely M + N = mubtada' khabar, M + M and N + N (nature) = na'at man ' ut, N + M and N + N (non-nature) = mudhaf ilaih. The implementation steps are memorizing Amil jar and amil nashab and their functions, mastering the types of Ma'rifah and Nakirah isim, and applying the formula accompanied by oral, written and exercises. 18 out of 20 students gave positive responses to the use of formulas to facilitate the identification of mubtada 'khabar, na'at man'ut and mudhaf ilaih.


Formula Strategy; Mastery of Mubtada’ Khabar; Na’at Man’ut and Mudhaf Ilaih

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