Inovasi Pembelajaran Online di Masa Pandemi Covid-19
The Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19) outbreak requires the learning process out online and adjustments both among teachers and students. Different levels of ability in mastery of ICT is one of the challenges in dealing with online systems that require flexibility in the learning process. Based on that, learning innovation is needed which able to accommodate both conditions. This article used a descriptive research method with a qualitative approach (Qualitative Research). The data sources in this study consisted of 2 (two), primary and secondary data. The data analysis technique is based on Creswell's opinion. The results of this study indicate that the learning arabic innovations at MAN 1 Garut include at least three things, First, the arrangement of the Arabic language insya wa ta’bir’s theme is more juxtaposed with the development of contextual issues, and expected to add new vocabulary. Second, the main learning media is Kemenag’s E-Learning supported by other digital platforms such as Google Classroom, Google Form, Zoom, Fasttone, Watsapp and Telegram.. Third, the flexibility of interaction in learning that is not bound of time between teachers and students.
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